An Addict Determined to Die
by nineyearsclean

An addict determined to die, is he
Believes life means nothing at all

As everyone scrambles to help him up
He remains determined to fall

An addict determined to die, is he
Yet, he hasn't got a clue

Nor will he listen to those who know
Exactly what he should do

We love him - but - we hate him
For he thinks he knows everything

All the while digging his own grave
He scoffs at the message we bring

An addict determined to die, is he
Our hopes diminish each day

We know he's sinking deeper
And we know the piper he'll pay

An addict determined to die, is he
Our hands, our hearts, are tied

An addict determined to die, is he
Committing slow - but sure - suicide.

Dedicated to Rob
September 30, 2008